August 2023 Portrait of the Month — Julianna Ötvös

Julianna Ötvös

In addition to targeting Jews, the Nazis also arrested, imprisoned, and murdered members of many other groups during the Holocaust. Julianna Ötvös was persecuted by the Nazis for her religious beliefs. She grew up Protestant but at church she met Jehova's witnesses and converted. Julianna was harassed by the local priest for her beliefs and proselytizing, and eventually imprisoned before being sent to the Ravensbrück camp where she was held with other Jehova's Witnesses from around Europe. She remained there for several years until the camp was liberated by the Soviet Army.

August’s Portrait of the Month was made by a student at József Attila Gimnázium in Budapest, Hungary, only a few hours from where Julianna lived most of her life. We loved the stark contrast of the colors in this portrait, bringing out the depth and softness of Julianna's eyes. Read more about Julianna below.


September 2023 Portrait of the Month — Péter Kutas


MFS in the Adirondacks