March 2023 Portrait of the Month — Stefania Podgorska

Stefania Podgorska

In honor of Women’s History Month we are featuring a portrait of rescuer and role model Stefania Podgorska. Stefania and her sister Helena hid 13 Jews during the Holocaust and were later named Righteous Among Nations by Yad Vashem for their bravery. You can read more about Stefania here.

Sebastian A. created this portrait of Stefania and was very moved by the process. He reflected on his experience:

How did it feel to spend so much time observing a photograph and then making art based on the photo?

It’s a strange feeling. Like being at peace. It wasn't sad or joyful - kind of neutral. If feelings were colors, black being lack of, bright color being strong emotions, it would be like grey or white.

Write a caption for the portrait that you made. It can say something about the person or something about your feelings making the portrait.

"A person no matter what else, she is a person like me or you."

What do you think you will remember about this experience? Why?

That it was like nothing else.


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